The different types of basic cosmetics – Packs
Hi, we Inbello, at the last posting, explained to you about one kind of basic cosmetics, cleansing foams. Today we are going to find out about another kind of basic cosmetics, packs. Before using packs, it is most important to understand your current skin condition to choose the right pack that fits your needs. Also, different types of packs are used in different ways, so make sure you read the instructions thoroughly before use and be awared of the fact that if packs are used overtime it can give additional stimulation to the skin.
1. The definition of pack
Once applied, it doesn't work as a shield system and allows air to flow inside which stops it from hardening.
2. The functions of packs
It gets rid of sebum and dead skin cells and also contracts the pores in the skin.
It provides moisture to the skin which prevents the skin from aging.
It gets rid of the bodily wastes in the pores while the beauty treatment substances contained in the pack penetrates deep into the skin providing nutrition.
3. Different types of packs
Wash-off packs
Wash-off packs are packs that are suitable for people with sensitive or dry skin since it is used by applying the product around your skin then washing it off using water. It doesn’t give much stimulation to the skin and provides nutrition while relieving the skin at the same time.
Peel-off packs
These are packs that you apply to the skin and then peeled off once hardened, rubber packs are an example of peel-off packs. Peel-off packs tightens the skin and bodily waste, dead skin cells, blackheads etc are removed when the pack is peeled off.
Sheet pac
These are packs that are shaped to fit the face. Sheet packs are soaked with the substances it contains and you stick it on the face and then remove it after 10 to 20 minutes. It is suitable for all skin types.
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