“Arbutin is a molecule extracted from the bearberry plant that prevents the formation of melanin,” Lin explains. He compares arbutin to two other gentle brighteners, kojic acid (derived from mushrooms) and licorice root (derived from the licorice plant).
A natural skin lightening/whitening agent. It works by slowly releasinghydroquinone through hydrolysis, which in turn blocks Tyrosinase activity and reduces the skin’s melanin production. In cosmetics, this ingredient appears in two different forms: Alpha-Arbutin or Beta-Arbutin. Due to patenting concerns, most skin care products contain plant extracts that contain Arbutin, rather than pure Arbutin.
Used in a variety of cosmetics, particularly ones aimed at lightening the skin such as lotions, crèmes, serums, cleansers, and spot treatments.
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